Easter 2025: Gift ideas, things to do and best deals
We’re here to make sure your Easter is as it should be – stress-free and full of chocolate.

For some, Easter is an important religious holiday. For others, it’s just a regular holiday from work that comes with ample amounts of chocolate. Either way, we’ve got this Easter sorted so you can just relax.
Need a present? Got ‘em. Need a recipe? Got those, too. Need a miracle? Okay, so we’re fresh out of those, but saving some cash with our deals might feel like a mini miracle in itself!
Use the price filter below to narrow your search and suit your budget. Press on the images to learn more about each product. Edit top picks
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Main image: Getty
Need a chocolate-free gift this Easter? Take a look at our fun and quirky gift guide.
Here's what you can do to keep the whole family entertained over the Easter long weekend and the stores that are staying open for essential shopping.
Looking to do some online shopping this Easter long weekend? See all the top deals and savings in one place.