6 ways to streamline your business tech effectively

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Empower your team – and your business – by streamlining your tech for better efficiency.

Sponsored by business nbn®. With a choice of high-speed plans, business-grade support and a range of providers, business nbn is made for businesses' evolving needs.

Tech is front and centre in just about every modern workplace. But is your business using it effectively?

Many businesses adopt new technology in a piecemeal fashion, without a clear strategy. And when you approach things that way, you don't always get the best outcomes.

Having a strategy in place can help your business streamline your assets and boost productivity among staff.

1. Invest in business-grade internet

No matter what industry you're in, the quality of your internet is going to directly affect the quality of your work.

A solid, business-grade internet connection is foundational.

But not all connections are created equal. Download speed is one thing – but there are other considerations too.

Ideally, you need a connection that can provide you and your staff with fast upload and download speeds, as well as prioritised data and business-grade service delivery.

Your internet provider should also be supported with a reliable hardware infrastructure.

The good news is that since the introduction of the nbn, plans that offer these services are becoming readily available.

Plans powered by business nbn offer high-speed internet and prioritised data – which in turn are supported by a high-performance fibre network.

Of course, every business is different. It's always important to compare a range of options when looking for an internet provider and make a more informed decision.

Two team members with their own devices in the office

2. Adopt BYOD policies

Bring your own device (BYOD) has been a popular approach in start-up culture for years now.

It's exactly what it sounds like. Rather than the business supplying employees with a standardised device, new or existing employees can use a device they already possess.

This approach provides two main benefits.

First and foremost, you'll save on the cost of purchasing devices for every new employee.

And from the employee's perspective, they're working with a device they're already familiar with.

There's no need to mess around with learning all the quirks and tics of a new device – new employees should be good to go from day dot.

Of course, you also need to consider the risks too.

BYOD means more potential holes in your cybersecurity, so you need to make sure you have clear policies and procedures in place (more on that below).

You also need to have clear policies in place around issues such as damage to the device, and regular back-up procedures to ensure data integrity.

3. Expand your use of cloud-based tech

A lot of the press around cloud-based tech tends to focus on storage.

But cloud technology can actually power a whole range of different applications.

From everyday use software like Google Docs through to sophisticated HR and payroll applications, there's a cloud-based solution for just about any workplace need.

Cloud-based applications can be a great way to get your team up and running on a new piece of software, without needing to worry about convoluted and individualised installation procedures.

Of course, you'll need an effective internet connection in place to take full advantage of the benefits of cloud technology.

Robust connections are a must. For example, plans supported by business nbn can provide you with a continuous and high-speed connection – essential for an always-online cloud environment.

4. Boost your cybersecurity solutions

When it comes to cybersecurity, too many SME owners think "It won't happen to me". And then they're left unprepared when the worst happens.

If you haven't already invested in cybersecurity solutions and cyber insurance, there's never been a better time.

This is important for any business, but especially if you're adopting BYOD policies.

Ideally, you want a provider that offers both proactive support to combat threats, and is also available for aiding with the recovery process.

A team solving a problem together

5. Leverage tech for better internal and external communication

Whether your team is remote, in-office or hybrid, it's important to have effective communication tools in place.

Face-to-face meetings and video calls definitely have a role to play. But these are relatively formal settings, and they should always be used with a clear agenda in place.

Some of the best ideas in the workplace can originate from informal discussions – so it's key to have tech in place that facilitates this dialogue.

Messenger programs like Slack, Skype and Microsoft Teams all offer real-time interfaces that allow easy communication and collaboration both within your team and externally.

By investing in the right program for your organisation, you can enhance your communication capabilities considerably.

But as with cloud technologies – just make sure that you've got the right internet plan to support true instantaneous communication.

6. Look for ways to refine your wider internal processes

One of the big mistakes businesses make is adopting technology for its own sake, rather than with a clear goal in mind.

At its best, technology shouldn't just make your work easier or be used to impress rivals and clients.

Rather, it should leave you – and your team – with free time to develop new ideas and create innovations for the workplace as a whole.

So when you're reconsidering your tech strategy, it's worth looking at whether your current "solutions" are serving you effectively.

In turn, you should also look for ways that you can make changes to future tech investments to free you up further down the line.

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Sponsored by business nbn®. With a choice of high-speed plans, business-grade support and a range of providers, business nbn is made for businesses' evolving needs.

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