Up to 80% off Bestseller items
This retailer offers a compelling catalogue of products spanning more than 44 top shopping categories. AliExpress is an online multi-seller portal that carries everything from fashion, homewares and accessories to toys and games, top tech and beyond. Whatever you're shopping for, you're sure to find it here and at a discount. Black Friday has arrived and prices are now at some of the lowest we've seen all year.
Check out all the latest and greatest opportunities to save on offer at AliExpress throughout the Black Friday event below. Trust us, you won't be disappointed.
Latest AliExpress Black Friday deals
How did we pick these deals?
Our shopping experts compare thousands of deals, giving you the best offers available today.Real coupons, chosen by real experts
- Our dedicated shopping team searches for the best deals every week
- We don't use AI or third-party organisations - all coupons are sourced in house
- We only share deals that are actually useful with a focus on big discounts
- Where possible, we'll road test the deals from and only display working discount codes.
- Our deals database is updated daily to ensure you always get the best offers
When is Black Friday 2024?
Black Friday 2024 will take place on 29 November. Keep an eye out for sales to continue on until 02 December, which is Cyber Monday. Many deals will likely be made available in the week or so leading up to Black Friday.
Can I shop in-store at AliExpress on Black Friday?
Definitely not. AliExpress is a global online multi-seller marketplace that doesn't actually have any physical stores. As a result, you won't be able to shop in-store here during the Black Friday sales this year. Instead, you can shop from wherever you are, conveniently and securely. The deals and discounts at AliExpress promise to be unforgettable throughout this year's Black Friday event.
When is the AliExpress Black Friday sale?
AliExpress will be trying to entice shoppers to buy with a great range of amazing deals all week in the lead-up to its Black Friday event. The biggest discounts won't be available until Black Friday itself arrives at midnight on Thursday evening. This year it falls on Friday 29 November. Stock, as always, will be limited and sold on a first come, first served basis. If you want to be one of the first to explore the promotional discounts and be in with a chance to get your hands on the very best deals, we'd highly recommend staying up late or setting an alarm to schedule in your midnight shopping spree.
AliExpress delivery details
AliExpress is a multi-seller shopping portal, so delivery fees and timescales can vary greatly from one seller to the next. Low-cost and free shipping options are widely available for Aussie customers.
Returns, exchanges and refunds for AliExpress
Again, as this portal is a multi-seller platform, you'll find that there are very different returns policies from one product to another. All the returns terms that apply to your products will be displayed on the individual product page. We recommend that you take the time to read through the details that apply to your item so that you know where you stand should the need to return it arise.
That said, AliExpress makes it a priority to protect all customers with its exclusive satisfaction guarantee. If, when your item arrives, you find that it isn't as described, get in touch with the customer service team who will work as a middleman between you and the seller in order to reach an appropriate resolution
Which payment methods does AliExpress accept?
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Maestro
- Discover
- Diners Club
- American Express
- Wire transfer
- Webmoney
- Yandex Money
- Western Union
- Boleto
Want more Black Friday deals?
Image source: Getty
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