Available on select stay dates until December 2024. Sample rate is for a stay at The Hive Hostel. Destinations include Northbridge, Fremantle and more.
Available on select stay dates until December 2024 in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Darwin, Canberra and more. The sample rate is for a stay at Gilligan's Backpackers Hotel & Resort in Cairns.
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Frequently asked questions about HotelsCombined deals
A good way to get a great deal on hotels is to use an aggregator like HotelsCombined. It sources prices from a variety of booking sites so that you pay as little as possible for your stay.
Yes. You can book accommodation through HotelsCombined at the last minute and still get competitive prices.
No. HotelsCombined doesn't have discount codes. The site brings together the best prices online so you can rest assured you won't pay any more than you have to.
No. HotelsCombined doesn't have a loyalty program.
No. Despite the name, you can book more than just hotels on HotelsCombined. You can also book flights, car hire and experiences.
No. HotelsCombined is an aggregator, and when you click to book, you'll be redirected to a partner website to book. If you have any queries regarding your booking, you should direct them to this partner site and not HotelsCombined.
Stephanie Yip was the travel editor at Finder and has been writing about travel and lifestyle for over a decade. She has written for a range of travel publications including Thomas Cook Magazine and Showpo. Stephanie has a Bachelor of Communications from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, and has visited over 50 countries (and counting). She has a passion for sharing her experiences and knowledge of travel and helping consumers stretch their travel cash while on holiday. See full bio
This is where you can get the best flight deals online over Boxing Day (26 December) 2022.
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